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Tummy Tuck - Tummy Tuck

Why :


Because liposuction is not suitable for your situation. Because whether or not there is a fatty overload, there is also an excess of skin sometimes called an abdominal apron covering so

more or less important the pubis. Sometimes because you have lost a lot of weight after diet or obesity surgery and there is significant sagging skin. Also after pregnancy, sometimes twin, which damaged the abdominal muscle strap. Under these conditions, only a direct approach with a scar above the pubis can remove excess skin and fat and repair the abdominal muscles.



When there is a large abdominal apron covering the pubis, a prior agreement request will be made by the surgeon to obtain social security coverage. This will not be automatic and the patient is generally summoned by the medical insurance advisor who will give his or her consent or not.

How? 'Or' What ?

The operation takes place under general or locoregional anesthesia (spinal anesthesia).

Hospitalization of 1 to 3 nights is generally necessary. The scar is arcuate level with the pubic hair and extends on demand depending on the size of the abdominal apron. The skin is detached to the lower part of the sternum, preserving the navel which is left as an island.

It will be repositioned in the correct position at the end of the operation. The muscles are put back in tension along

from the midline to restore the appearance of a flat stomach. The excess skin is removed and the remaining abdominal wall is then put back in tension to obtain the closure of the scar. At the same time, liposuction of the hips (love handles) is often performed. Drainage is left for a minimum of 24 hours. An abdominal compression sheath is put in place at the end of the operation.

Suites and Result


Drains are generally removed between 24 and 72 hours after the operation. The sheath should be worn for a month day and night. Sport cannot be resumed for a period of three months once the muscles have been put back into tension. Gradually severe edema appears within 24-48 hours and persists for several weeks. The result can be appreciated from three months and will be final after one year. So-called lymphocele lymph effusions can appear for several days or even weeks and require punctures during follow-up consultations.

This is okay but can be uncomfortable. In the vast majority of cases,

these effusions stop spontaneously.


This is an intervention carried out most of the time under general anesthesia with the risks inherent in this type of anesthesia.

Among the risks specific to this surgery, we can mention:

Thromboembolic risks with phlebitis and pulmonary embolism: these risks are increased in the event of obesity and heavy smoking, prolongation of the operating time. These risks will be prevented as much as possible by wearing compression stockings during the operation, prescribing preventive anticoagulation during the postoperative period and by respecting the contraindications for surgery (obesity, smoking). Lymphatic effusions that may flow through drainage (lymphorea) or remain under the skin (lymphocele).  Wound healing disorders scar enlargement, hypertrophy, keloid, disunity. The other rarer complications are detailed in the SOFCPRE information sheet.

Before-After Pictures

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