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14 Rue Petrarque
75116 Paris
Phone: 01 47 20 48 70
Eiffel Carré d'Or Clinic
6, square Pétrarque - 75116 Paris
Entrance: Corner 33, rue Scheffer
This Private Mansion was built in 1923 by the Marquis de TRIQUERVILLE,
who has established his main residence there. In 1994, this monument, classified since, was completely redesigned to accommodate the Clinic of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, accredited by the HAS as an Autonomous Installation of Aesthetic Surgery.
Here is a place dedicated to rediscovering oneself, an environment designed and created with a view to providing comfort and well-being to patients.
Muette clinic
46-48 Rue Nicolo, 75116 Paris
A modern and sophisticated establishment on a human scale, which brings together the best of medical practices in order to offer you high quality care.
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