14 Rue Petrarque
75116 Paris
Phone: 01 47 20 48 70

Breast Ptosis
(sagging breasts, sagging chest)
A sagging breast is a breast that has suffered a sagging gland associated with sagging skin. The scars (compulsory in this operation) are ultimately of little importance for a patient, when she suffers on a daily basis from not recognizing the breasts she had (before her pregnancy or her weight loss). A woman can see her silhouette transformed thanks to this operation, which will reaffirm her in her femininity and her self-esteem.
Why ?
Because we have fragile breast skin, and we can't stand to see your breasts emptied, released.
Because since her pregnancy, with or without breastfeeding, you no longer recognize your breasts and we cannot mourn those before.
Because we have lost much weight and we see her breasts like washcloths.
Because our cleavage is empty, and we feel less of a woman.
How? 'Or' What ?
This operation reshapes the gland and removes excess skin.
The importance of ptosis, and therefore the amount of skin to be removed, will determine the number of scars, which can range from one to three : one around the areola (round block), one vertical (which goes from the bottom of the areola to the furrow), one in the furrow.
Depending on the case, it can be combined with a prosthesis, lipofilling or breast reduction.
The intervention always takes place under general anesthesia, with a night of hospitalization after the operation.
Suites and result.
The intervention is generally not very painful. A non-wired sports bra is put on before going out.
Stopping all sporting activity is recommended for a month.
The scars are usually quite inflammatory within a month of the operation, with redness and itching. These phenomena are normal and subside over time, in a few months.
The appearance of the form is final after six months, but the scars evolve about eighteen months.
In addition to those linked to general anesthesia, the most frequent specific risks are healing disorders, which can lead to a large or even hypertrophic scar, as well as to a change in the sensitivity of the areola.
Other risks, such as hematoma or infection, are quite rare.
All the risks are detailed in the SoFCPRE information sheet.