14 Rue Petrarque
75116 Paris
Phone: 01 47 20 48 70

Cosmetic surgery of the nose or Rhinoplasty :
Because the nose gives character to a face, it can be felt as a foreign body,
whose presence disturbs everyday. The objective of this intervention is to soften the facial features, making the nose more discreet and more harmonious.
This intervention is delicate, because it modifies the external appearance of the nose, but must not radically change the patient.
Some surgeons always make the same nose regardless of the patient, like a signature.
For me who advocates the natural, when a nose is " success Is that we do not see that he was operated ...
Why ?
Because we don't like our nose so much that we avoid looking in the mirror, and we can't stand each other in the photos.
To remove a bump and make its profile softer.
Because the point is too long, too round, too big.
Because our nose sends us back the image of a member of our family whom we especially do not want to look like.
Because we have suffered a trauma, a shock that deflected the nose, sometimes causing problems with breathing and snoring.
How? 'Or' What ?
Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and most often requires overnight hospitalization. When there is only the tip to treat, we go out the same day.
In the vast majority of cases, the incision that I make is made in the mucosa (closed approach), with no visible scar.
When it comes to a rhinoplasty called " ethnic "(For example in patients of African or Asian origin), we refine the tip, we reduce the size of the nostril openings and we bring a projection (height) on the dorsum thanks to an implant (in rigid silicone) or to a graft (cartilage, bone).
In certain particular cases, a so-called medical rhinoplasty can be carried out by injections of hyaluronic acid. They make it possible to fill a hollow or to increase the projection of the point.
Suites and result.
Rhinoseptoplasty is not a painful procedure, although the surgery can be impressive.
The intervention ends in all cases by placing a splint on the nose (made to measure), and by placing oily wicks in the nasal cavities, removed the next day.
When the plaster is removed, between eight and ten days, the nose is usually very swollen.
The bruises (bruises) disappear in about ten days.
The result appears gradually in the first weeks ; it can be considered final at one year.
In the context of a medical rhinoplasty, the injections bring an immediate result and must be renewed approximately every eighteen months.
In addition to those related to general anesthesia, the risks of this intervention lie above all in the imperfections of the result. Sometimes a touch-up is necessary, but it shouldn't be done for a year.
The other exceptional risks are detailed in the SoFCPRE file.